2025 Guests of Honor
Guests of Honor are highlighted presenters and/or groups who have either an established profile in the wider Pagan/Witchcraft/Wiccan community (or sometimes just the local community) or are up-and-coming. They typically consist of teachers, authors, musicians and/or artisans and are sometimes referred to as "BNP" or "Big Name Pagans".
*Guests subject to change.
Mat Auryn
Mat Auryn is an influential author and teacher in the fields of occultism and witchcraft, with an audience that extends beyond the United States to an international level. His deep knowledge and experience come from years of dedicated study, practice, and training in a variety of occult traditions and esoteric orders, often under the guidance of prominent knowledgeable mentors. His award-winning books Psychic Witch, Mastering Magick, and The Psychic Art of Tarot offer practical insight and practices for those interested in psychic and magickal development. He is also the co-author of Pisces Witch with Ivo Dominguez, Jr. These works draw from a range of traditions such as astrology, Hermeticism, Wicca, Traditional Witchcraft, New Thought, Thelema, parapsychology, Jungian analytical psychology, Neoplatonism, and alchemy, making them versatile yet accessible guides for the spiritual seeker. His books have won multiple awards and been translated into more than thirteen languages, widening their impact. Beyond writing, Mat worked for many years as a professional psychic and tarot reader in Salem, Massachusetts, as well as his own private practice. He also contributes to both specialized and mainstream publications, including a regular column in Witches & Pagans magazine. His work has been featured in Cosmo, Newsweek, The Boston Globe, Oprah Daily, and others, and is also on display at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft. Mat was the first recipient of “The Most Supportive Witch” award by Witch Way Magazine. He is also the co-host of THE CIRCLE IS podCAST with actress and author Rachel True, most well known for her beloved role in The Craft. Mat is on the faculty of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, New York, where he teaches and leads retreats on psychic ability and magick. Now residing in California’s Bay Area, Mat is the co-owner of Datura Trading Co. and Modern Witch University. He shares his knowledge and insights through writing, workshops, interviews, social media, and lectures, consistently emphasizing the importance of personal growth and positive change through psychic and magickal empowerment. You can learn more about him and his work at Auryn.net.
Danielle Dionne
Danielle Dionne is a psychic medium, witch, herbalist, homesteader, and author of Magickal Mediumship and Chronically Magickal. She is a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft Tradition, serving as Ministerial Deputy for Scorpio and Cancer Ministries. Danielle runs Seed and Sickle, an online space where she offers psychic and mediumship sessions, herbalism consultations, mentorship, and consultation on death care support and living with chronic illness. She lives in southern NH at Crossroads Farm, a spirited homestead raising heritage breed livestock. She is the Cemetery Sexton for two local cemeteries. She enjoys connecting with those, like herself, who are magickal practitioners living with chronic illness.
Thumper Forge
Thumper (Horkos) Marjorie Splitfoot Forge is a lithomancer, a Gardnerian High Priest, an initiate of the Minoan Brotherhood, an Episkopos of the Dorothy Clutterbuck Memorial Cabal of Laverna Discordia, and a notary public from Houston, TX.
His latest book, THE CHAOS APPLE: MAGIC AND DISCORDIANISM FOR THE POSTMODERN WITCH, is currently available for pre-order.
Alexis A. Arredondo
Alexis A. Arredondo is an experienced practitioner of various magical traditions. Having grown up on the border of South Texas, he was fascinated by folklore and spiritual folk-practice from a very young age. He learned folk magic and traditional brujería (Mexican witchcraft) from a local bruja (witch) in his hometown, and later embarked on a journey in the sacred healing art of Curanderismo (Mexican folk-healing), inspired by famous healers like Don Pedrito Jaramillo. Alexis also dedicated himself into the cult of the Holy Death and several necromantic systems, including Tantric Aghor Yoga, Brazilian Kimbanda, and Palo Mayombe, in which he is now a Tata Nganga. He co-owns City Alchemist Witch Shop in downtown East Austin and has co-authored two books, "Magia Magia: Invoking Mexican Magic" and "Blood of Brujeria".
Jason Mankey
Jason Mankey is a third-degree High Priest, and prolific Witchcraft author (nine books and counting). A bit of a nomad in his younger years, Jason has lived in both the Midwest and the American South, and currently resides in California's Silicon Valley, where he helps run two local covens with his wife Ari. Jason has spent the last twenty-five years of his life researching the Horned God, Witchcraft & magickal history, and the occult influences in rock and roll music. Jason regularly lectures and leads rituals at Pagan and Witchcraft events in both North America and the United Kingdom. When not practicing, writing about, or studying the Craft Jason can be found spending time with his cats, whisky tasting, and growing sunflowers.
Lilith Dorsey
Lilith Dorsey M.A., hails from many magickal traditions, including Afro-Caribbean, Celtic, and Indigenous American spirituality. Their traditional education focused on Plant Science, Anthropology, and Film at the University of R.I, New York University, and the University of London, and their magickal training includes numerous initiations in Santeria also known as Lucumi, Haitian Vodoun, and New Orleans Voodoo. Lilith Dorsey is also a Voodoo Priestess and in that capacity has been doing successful magick since 1991 for patrons, is editor/publisher of Oshun-African Magickal Quarterly, filmmaker of the experimental documentary Bodies of Water :Voodoo Identity and Tranceformation,’ co-host of The Pop Occulture Show on youtube, and choreographer/performer for jazz legend Dr. John’s “Night Tripper” Voodoo Show. They have long been committed to providing accurate and respectful information about the African Traditional Religions and are proud to be a published Black author of such titles as 55 Ways to Connect to Goddess, The African-American Ritual Cookbook, Love Magic, Orishas, Goddesses and Voodoo Queens, Water Magic , the newly re-released Voodoo and African Traditional Religion and Tarot Every Witch Way now available.
Mortellus is a lineaged 3° Gardnerian High Priestex, Mortician, Necromancer, Medium, and world-renowned thought leader in deathcare and the magic of death, presently busy at work on their fourth book, with their second, "The Bones Fall in a Spiral: A Necromantic Primer," published by Crossed Crow Books, arriving on shelves October 3rd, 2023. Mortellus is a Mortician, and in addition to their degrees in Mortuary Sciences, holds degrees in Design, Education and Fine Arts. Their areas of expertise include necromancy, necrobotany, mediumship, and the funerary rites of minority faith groups. Currently residing in Western North Carolina on three acres that doubles as the Covenstead for the Coven of Leaves with their spouse and twin children. Their adult child, who resides in Asheville North Carolina, is a student of Health Sciences at UNCA.
Coby Michael
Coby Michael is an occult herbalist and magical practitioner specializing in the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants. He studied religion at Arizona State University and has been a folk herbalist since a young age. He owns and operates The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online shop and educational resource for the poison path. Coby has been blogging since 2016 and is a prolific writer including articles for This Witch Magazine (2020),The Witches' Almanac (2022) and The Poisoner’s Guild (2023) . His first book The Poison Path Herbal came out in 2021 with Inner Traditions and Coby recently celebrated the release of his second book The Poison Path Grimoire (Nov 2024). He is also co-author of Leo Witch, part of Llewellyn’s Witch’s Sun Sign Series (2023) and is working on his next book The Poison Path Oracle. He is the founder of Botanica Obscura Conference, an annual gathering of magical plant practitioners from around the world sharing their plant spirit knowledge. He currently resides in St. Petersburg, Fl and travels the country.
Adam Darkly
I am Adam Darkly.
Sorcerer-for-Hire. Alchemist. Necromancer. Local cryptid & witch of the Ozarks. The Devil of Devil's Conjure.
I work within various magical traditions ranging from Conjure to Ceremonial Magic.
I have spent the last fourteen years knee-deep in other Worlds, standing at the Crossroads, shifting fates and fortunes for clients and those in need, offering my services and creations to the community. I am a conjureman, ceremonial sorcerer, & folk healer. My allies are the Dead & Devils, Hags & Fae, those in high and low places, of starry power and earthly domain.
I teach students worldwide how to hone their magical toolset, achieve astounding results in their own practice, and to rewrite their fate in line with what they truly desire.
Eimi OstaraMoon
Eimi OstaraMoon, the witch and bee steward behind Poison and Bee, started her journey on the Poison Path with a handful of Datura inoxia seeds, and a dream of having her own Poison Garden on her farm in rural Texas. With the help of her honey bees, the garden has since grown to include baneful allies such as different datura varieties, henbane, deadly nightshade, an army of mandrakes, as well as various poisonous, magical, medicinal and culinary herbs. As a practitioner of alchemical herbalism, plant spirit medicine and natural beekeeping, Eimi focuses her work with poisonous plants and honey bees by understanding their nature and needs, and developing a harmonious symbiotic relationship between plants, animals, insects and humans. “Poison as medicine”, both physically and spiritually, is the guiding principle that Eimi follows on the Poison Path.
Cedar Stevens
My name is Cedar Stevens and I have been a practicing witch and potioneer for over twenty years. I make magick potions and perfumes for spells and enjoyment. For thirty years I have been an avid botanist, herbalist, and gardener. I got my BA in Biology (mostly in Botany and Population Ecology) in 1995 from The University of Texas in Austin. In 1997 I founded the first iteration of Natural Magic, selling my ritually crafted potions at arts markets. On the Spring Equinox 1999, I put a roof over that lemonade stand and cofounded Natural Magic, Inc. This witch store/apothecary ran successfully for seven years, seven months and seven days, closing on Samhain of 2006. We offered Full Moon Esbats and Sabbats every FM and every Sabbat during that time period. I also developed a number of courses in Wiccan and Western Witchcraft and Faery Occult Shamanism, and was trained as a Priestess in Reclaiming and Syballine Traditions, and co-founded The Cult of the Faery Star, a magickal tech research group. I was initiated in to the O.T.O. (Scarlet Woman Lodge) in 2011. I opened the third version, Natural Magick Shop, as an online business on Thanksgiving Day of 2006, and offering workshops and boothing at Witches Markets, Pagan Pride festivals and the like has been my joy! I began offering the Natural Magick Tradition as a Year-and-a-Day program in 2017 on Imbolc. The Priestxs of Natural Magick plans to offer Life Cycle ministries and gardening instruction to the larger Austin-area, as well as other fabulous plans, so stay tuned! The fourth incarnation of Natural Magick is Natural Magick Co-op! We are now a worker-owned cooperative incorporated in Texas. NMC is the first working Witches Co-op in the world!
Izzy Swanson
Izzy Swanson is a healer, teacher, and mentor specializing in the intersection of addiction, trauma recovery, and spiritual practice. Izzy focuses on the healing of emotional wounds caused by trauma, PTSD, and addiction and frequently works with clients who have autoimmune disorders, adrenal fatigue, and other stress-related health issues. Izzy has practiced Earth-based spirituality for over 30 years and has cultivated a deep relationship with Irish spiritual traditions. They have been a speaker and facilitator of courses focused on Celtic polytheism since 2013. Izzy is the owner of Transformation Reiki and Liminal Crossings, based in Austin, Texas. They are also a co-founder of the Order of the Crows, a priesthood tradition honoring the Morrigan
Kacie Brunette
Known these days as the host of the monthly group spells for the Witch Bitch Amateur Hour’s Online Coven and host of the channel Kacie’s Corner, Kacie has long had a passion for building community spaces for folks like herself whose access to community may have been limited by their differences in the past. In 2006 she was diagnosed with Bipolar2 and began the lifelong work of learning to thrive and overcome the fears and anxieties that had isolated her from my friends, family, and community. First working to overcome her debilitating arachnophobia to meet her goal of enjoying nature with her children, she then cultivated a tarantula collection with her husband, and together they built a reputation for taking in snakes and tarantulas that others were too afraid to keep any longer. She then turned to conquering the social anxieties that held her back and started volunteering for local community events, eventually becoming a building manager at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas. As a practicing solitary witch, she joined the DFW Pagan Unity Fest coordinating committee in 2017 as the Volunteer Coordinator after years of volunteering for the event herself. In that capacity she helped expand the community ritual spaces to be more inclusive towards solitary, non-Wiccan, and neurodivergent pagans. In 2020 she took those organizing skills online for the Witch Bitch Amateur Hour podcast online community to host the monthly groups spells held in their Facebook community group. After years of exclusively online teaching and group work, she is excited to combine her love of snakes and community to finally debut her first in person workshop at the 2023 Anahata’s Purpose Wellness Festival Retreat teaching “From Fear to Power: using Snake magic to empower your spiritual growth”. She then further developed the class into a series focused on turning fear into self-empowerment through our spiritual practices and has since taught the class at the DFW Pagan Unity Fest and the Austin Witchfest.
Aly Cardinalli
Aly Cardinalli is an accomplished witchdoctor, performing arts specialist, psychic, and master educator with over twenty-five years of experience in his fields. Aly is the Headmaster at BearBridge Academy of Psychic Development, the largest school for mystical studies in the USA.
He has dedicated his life to promoting traditional practices and spreading knowledge about culture. Born a dark medium and oversensitive psychic into a family of witchcraft professionals, Aly grew up surrounded by spirits and natural remedies that were used to cure both physical and spiritual ailments. He learned from his family the art of healing, witchcraft, and spirituality, gradually developing a deep passion for indigenous and creolized practices, making him a sought after professional exorcist, focused on peace and ease in entity identification and extraction.
As a young man, Aly studied music, dance, and theatrical arts while studying the ancient ways of the craft at home through his family, and quickly made a name for himself as a talented performer, exceptional choreographer (as an expert in over eighteen styles of dance), and an award winning director. His unique knowledge of the arts and culture, along with his exceptional stage presence, made him an instant hit with audiences across the globe. Despite his success in the performing arts, Aly never forgot his roots. He continued to practice traditional witchcraft and mystical techniques. Aly has also developed an innovative training and classification system for psychics, mediums, and sensitives. Because of his prodigy youth, Aly's knowledge and aptitude in the inclusive disciplines of culture, healing, spirituality, mysticism, and storytelling is unmatched.
Over the years, Aly has gained immense popularity as a master educator in all of his fields, having been a master trainer in education for the National Guard, Department of Education, holistic healers, performing arts instructors, and teachers of the occult. He continues to conduct numerous workshops and training sessions for healthcare professionals, spiritual healers, psychics, performers, and other practitioners. Aly has been the dean of education for a performing arts school, the headmaster at a witchcraft and psychic development school, and the education director for a healing arts institute. Thanks to his dedication and hard work, Aly Cardinalli is now widely recognized as a commodity to cultural education. His talent, passion, and expertise have inspired countless people to embrace rich and vibrant culture and to seek healing through the power of music, dance, and other forms of artistic & ancient cultural expression.
Michalea Moore
Michalea Moore is the author of The Wheel of the Year Mystery series and Queen of Heka. With a passion for weaving magic into mystery, Moore crafts captivating tales that transport readers into worlds where the mystical and the mysterious collide. The Wheel of the Year Mysteries follows the adventures of a young witch who uses her Tarot skills to unravel complex crimes. This series blends intrigue with the enchanting world of witchcraft and captivates readers with its unique blend of suspense, magic, and mystery. In Queen of Heka, Moore offers a fresh perspective on the ancient world by telling the untold story of the Egyptian Goddess Isis. This captivating novel explores the goddess's journey, bringing to life the myths and legends of ancient Egypt with vivid detail and imagination. Moore holds degrees in Writing, Classics, and World Mythology, which inspire her storytelling and lend authenticity to her work. Throughout her life, she has studied magick (specifically heka, Egyptian magick) and witchcraft, using her educational skills to dig deep into the mysteries. Her deep knowledge of mythological themes and her skillful writing combine to create stories that resonate with readers long after they turn the final page.
Tabitha Starr
Tabitha Starr is a seasoned consultant specializing in business and nonprofit development with expertise in strategic planning, financial management, and compliance. As a Certified NLP Practitioner with an MBA, Tabitha has spent years empowering spiritual and witchy entrepreneurs to build sustainable, soul-aligned businesses that stay on the right side of the “overlords” (aka the government). Through her business, Slight Look, Tabitha helps mission-driven individuals navigate the complexities of business setup and growth, blending grounded strategy with her unique chaos witch perspective. A single mom and collector of tiny dog antics, Tabitha brings a relatable, no-nonsense approach, mixing practical advice with humor and witchy charm. Her goal? To help spiritual entrepreneurs create businesses that thrive without losing their magic—or their sanity.