
Workshops provide a great opportunity to learn different aspects of witchcraft from leaders in their respective fields. Below are our 2020 presenters: 

Alexis Arredondo of City Alchemist presents:

Brujeria de la Frontera: Mexican Witchcraft from the Borderlands 

11:10am – 12:10pm: Dancehall
Come hear about this colorful practice of witchcraft from your local City Alchemist team. You will not only learn the proper terminology, but how brujeria differs from other common practices. We will invoke the Gods of Mexico and the folk saint of death herself: La Santa Muerte. Be ready to leave this course with many trabajos (workings) to heal, help and even harm!

Cedar Stevens of Natural Magick Shop presents: 

Gardening by the Moon & Stars 

12:20pm – 01:20pm: Dancehall
Join local witch and magical herbalist, Cedar Stevens, as she teaches us how to use the phases of the moon and its journey through the zodiac signs to get the most out of your gardening! Growing by the moon and stars is a time-honored, worldwide practice that is largely forgotten in the new world. During this class, you will learn to use a moon calendar to align your garden with these celestial cycles. Info sheets and calendars will be provided, plus Demeter oil for self-anointing. The class will finish with a Spell to cultivate a Green Thumb!

Guest of Honor, Mat Auryn, presents: 

Magick for All: Witchery from Nothing

1:30pm – 3:00pm: Main Stage
As children, when we think of those with magickal power we tend to think that magick is something that is done on the spot with a thought, a gesture, a word, or a gaze. Later on, as we enter into the path of magickal training we learn that magick isn’t done this way—or is it? How would you perform magick if you were stranded at sea or lost in a desert, or if you have mobility issues or disabilities? In this discussion, Mat Auryn will be discussing why the world needs more magickal practitioners and that every single human being can employ magick effectively in their lives regardless of who they are, their physical mobility, or financial situation. Discussion is based on his book Psychic Witch (Llewellyn).

Guest of Honor, Danielle Dionne, presents:

Ancestral Magick & Healing 

3:10pm – 4:10pm: Dancehall 
The spirits of the dead offer a rich partnership for healing of the past and present to empower the future. Join Danielle to explore ways to build relationships with your loving ancestors. Discuss ways to create space in your life to honor and commune with the dead and to seek their intercession through divination and magick. Learn to build a magickal mediumship practice to receive messages and to validate their presence in your life. Consider ways to work with the ancestors to heal yourself and your lineage through veneration and ritual. This workshop is based on her upcoming book, Magickal Mediumship: Partnering with the Ancestors for Healing and Spiritual Development, publishing with Llewellyn later this year.